Patients & Consumers



1.  How can I obtain a copy of my laboratory result?


By regulation, we cannot provide test results to a patient unless we are authorized by the ordering provider. Our laboratory is regulated by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA).  CLIA states, "clinical laboratories may provide clinical laboratory test records and reports only to "authorized persons."  Federal law controls and defines "authorized persons" as a person who ordered a test which is generally the health care provider.


2.  My health care provider gave me a copy of my test report.  Can you help me interpret what it means?


You should contact your health care provider to discuss your test report.  Your health care provider uses his/her clinical judgement to interpret data gathered, including test reports.  They are familiar with your clinical exam, clinical history and other influencing factors.


3.  I have a question about my bill.  Who should I call?


Our friendly, helpful billing staff is standing by to assist you with any questions regarding your bill or payments of account.  They may be reached by phone at (785) 539-5363.  Select Option 2. 


4.  Is there a way I can pay on my account online?


Yes!  For your convenience we have established a secure online bill pay service.  We accept credit and debit cards.  Select "Pay Your Bill" from our left menu.